We know this season has been difficult for our church and our community. For the month of July, as we continue to gather online, we want to keep being the church that God has positioned us to be.
Since March, we have loved hearing how we can pray for and help with some very real needs in our church, but we know that there are more people that need help. If that is you today, please send us an email right now that says “I need help”. Use the link below and simply take a step and reach out so that we can help you!
For some in our community and church, the last few months, although uncertain, have not created a financial burden. If that is you, we are celebrating this with you and want to encourage you to pray about how God is positioning our church to continue to help those in need in our community.
2000 years ago the early church came together in times of uncertainty to help those that needed it. They embraced a core value that we get to give. Today, Wellspring has that same opportunity…for those that need it, to say unashamedly that “I Need Help!” And for those that are able to say “I Can Help!”, to prayerfully give the resources that God has blessed us with to continue to declare that Better is Possible.
“I Need Help!”-Contact Us
“I Can Help!”- Check Out These Ways to Give Now