I guess to explain How I got to where I am it helps to understand where I was. I grew up in NJ going to Catholic church up until my later teen years when I was old enough to decide If I wanted to continue, I chose not to. I never felt close to God, I went through the classes and made my sacraments, but it all felt so cold … Read More
Good Morning. I have been moved and touched so many times since God placed me and my son at Wellspring Church. Yesterday was Amazing! and I felt compelled to write and say Thank You! Pastor Trey. Talk about timing… I am a special education teacher in Horry County schools. I never thought I would work in the school I was hired, but this was to be my school. I embraced … Read More
I guess to explain How I got to where I am it helps to understand where I was. I grew up in NJ going to Catholic church up until my later teen years when I was old enough to decide If I wanted to continue, I chose not to. I never felt close to God, I went through the classes and made my sacraments, but it all felt so cold … Read More
My boyfriend and I started going to Wellspring last Easter. After we had our daughter, church became less of a priority and life became difficult. We had been dating for only a few months when we became pregnant, both of us still recovering from divorce, financially and emotionally, and with a little boy from my marriage. It was difficult. It was happy/exciting in some ways, as both of us were … Read More
I grew up in a home where both of my parents were Deaf. They were good parents. I think they did a good job of teaching me right from wrong. However, I think they used their deafness as an excuse not to go to church, so we didn’t. By the time I reached 15, my Mom decided that she and I would move from NJ to Greenville, SC to be … Read More
My story is short, well sort of. I’m Alex. I am 14 years old and I have been attending and serving at Wellspring for a few months now. When I was younger I wasn’t the most popular kid. I was bullied a bit, but the place I felt the most judged was at the church I was attending. It was a southern baptist church in NC. The strict rules and … Read More
God saved my life.
In 2007 God saved my life. I was a fugitive for three and a half years, a member of the crips, a drug trafficker, and was a drug addict. I thought I was trapped and couldn’t get out. I knew I was going to jail or someone was going to kill me. I talked to my aunt about all this, she told me to call on the name of the … Read More
I am writing to tell you how God healed our marriage through Wellspring. In October of 2014 I determined there was nothing left in my 26 year marriage. My husband and I didn’t enjoy being around each other, the intimacy was long gone, our kids were both grown, and husband was working out of town 5 days a week. It seemed like the perfect time for us to call it … Read More
Searching for a way to help
I enjoyed yesterday to the depth of my soul. Even helping on the breakdown was very pleasing to me. I have been searching for a way to help and do something in return for the many blessings that God has given me. Thus being the reason why we decided to include coming every Sunday to Wellspring into our weekly gas budget! Lol! It gives us a sense of peace. I … Read More
We Almost Gave Up
We have been to sooooo many churches and I almost gave up on ever finding a place we belong or felt called to be. I honestly was expecting more of the same when I arrived at Wellspring but desperately hoping it would be different. It was different. From your greeters to helpers, you all made us feel welcome in a very balanced way. What I mean by that is that … Read More