We know that there are many questions related to baptism and why we believe it’s the next step in obedience after becoming a Christ Follower. We encourage you to check out the Frequently Asked Questions about baptism.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I be baptized?
Baptism is Biblical. Throughout the New Testament you find this powerful symbol practiced by those who began the journey of following Christ. It is a sign of your relationship with Christ and a symbol of the power found through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Is baptism necessary for salvation?
Why should I be baptized by immersion?
At Wellspring Church, we baptize by immersion because it is the clear method used in the Bible.
What about infant baptism?
Often we will have people who have been baptized as an infant. We celebrate their parent’s desire to place them in the path toward a relationship with God. We believe that infant baptism is different than believer’s baptism and in order to fully follow Christ’s example, we baptize believers after they have decided to follow Christ. For further questions about infant baptism or baby dedication contact April@wellspringchurch.tv
When should I be baptized?
The best opportunity for you to be baptized is at our next Baptism Celebration. We can also schedule a time that is more convenient for you, if you would like.