My boyfriend and I started going to Wellspring last Easter. After we had our daughter, church became less of a priority and life became difficult. We had been dating for only a few months when we became pregnant, both of us still recovering from divorce, financially and emotionally, and with a little boy from my marriage. It was difficult. It was happy/exciting in some ways, as both of us were told we wouldn’t be have to have children separately, together we certainly had little chance of ever conceiving. But, we had a healthy baby girl the day after Christmas, and despite the joy of that blessing, our life was filled with a lot of obstacles. Individual doubts, issues and burdens which quickly began to reign destruction on the relationship we were trying to form. We wanted so desperately for the love we believed was gifted to us to work, but it often felt like the weight of the world was on us. Shortly after Easter last year, we separated, with agony and hurt, I was left with two children I felt completely unable to parent. I had already suffered from severe postpartum depression with my son, it felt completely impossible to conquer the raising of two children and the loss of who I believed to be my person. Over the summer we continued to attend Wellspring separately, and I believe it changed our story. One year later we still drive from Little River to attend this church, we believe it’s where we belong. Last fall, I began school, we came back together as a stronger, better couple with God in our center and have overcome so many obstacles that I never believed possible. Our relationship, our family, wouldn’t be the same without you doing what you do. Thank you for doing what God has called you for, we look forward to making connections at church that will continue to bring us closer together and closer to God.