Good Morning. I have been moved and touched so many times since God placed me and my son at Wellspring Church. Yesterday was Amazing! and I felt compelled to write and say Thank You! Pastor Trey. Talk about timing…
I am a special education teacher in Horry County schools. I never thought I would work in the school I was hired, but this was to be my school. I embraced it and felt a pull almost 2 years ago to move our special education population out of hiding and to celebrate the differences and abilities of our special education population. Upon being hired at my new school, I was surprised that we were not participants in special education programs in the county. I felt a push, even though I was the new teacher in the building, to link our school and special education students/staff to county programs. I started a Polar Plunge team and Special Olympics Team. Last year, I had only 10 on the Plunge team and 5 students were sent to Special Olympics. This year, I had a team of over 20 taking the Polar Plunge and raising money for Spring Games Special Olympics. This year, I have 22 students in the Olympic Events. A huge celebration, it was happening, the shame of being in special education was melting away…we were celebrating ALL abilities!
And then, on Friday, I received a phone call that made my heart sink. I was told that I did everything wrong, students I invited to the games were not “disabled enough”, phone calls were being made by angry parents, angry that their student, who has an IEP (individualized education plan) was considered one of “those kids”. I was told I ruined the games for all students this year. Emails were sent. My principal was called. Accusations that I was sending kids to the games in order for our school to bring home more awards…I was in tears Friday night. So upset all day Saturday. I started to make a plan, a plan to say I’m sorry, a plan to talk to my principal and tell her that I will no longer be organizing these events for our school. I began to think of other activities to do with students. NOTHING felt right on my heart. Sunday morning, I attend church and what do I hear…PUSHBACK. I hear about rumors and accusations that are not true. I hear about how God did not say if you follow your purpose it will be without struggle or pain. I hear about how Pushback is proof you are following your purpose, Pushback will grow your faith. and then, I hear my son, my special needs son, say to me, “mom, you just added weights to your bar” and he kissed me.
When I arrived to school this Monday morning, my principal called me into her office and said “if they tell you you can’t bring these students to the games, we will figure it out, they will be celebrated” and then she added that she is part of my team and we will be making phone calls and sending emails and getting this all figured out. We need to do this!
And I remembered, I wasn’t supposed to do this alone.
Thank You!