You Need A Budget
When you look at your bank account, do any of these scenarios stress you out or feel impossible?
Saving for your child's college fund?
Going grocery shopping 3 days before payday?
Taking a dream vacation?
Seeing the check engine light come on?
An invitation from a friend or co-worker to go out to lunch?
Christmas shopping?
If you answered yes to any or all of them, then You Need A Budget!
Don't let your financial situation keep you up at night. The most helpful series of sermons you will ever hear about money. Because You Need A Budget...not a series about giving!
You Need a Budget
…not a series about giving
When you look at your bank account, do any of these scenarios stress you out or feel impossible?
Saving for your child’s college fund?
Going grocery shopping 3 days before payday?
Taking a dream vacation?
Seeing the check engine light come on?
An invitation from a friend or co-worker to go out to lunch?
Christmas shopping?
If you answered yes to any or all of them, then You Need A Budget!