In an effort to make online giving easier, faster and more secure we are transitioning to a new giving platform called Pushpay. Our goal is to have this process completed by March 31, 2019. Setting up your new giving account in PushPay is easy!
If you are a new giver
Simply click “Setup Pushpay” below. You will be prompted to setup your desired recurring gift. After that, you will be able to establish your Pushpay account for future use.
If you already give online through our current system (Secure Give)
You can follow these two steps to complete the transition. The whole process will take no more than 5-10 minutes.
Step One: Setting up a new recurring gift using Pushpay.
Click “Setup Pushpay” below and set up your automatic gift using Pushpay. The recurring gift option should already be selected and you can simply set up your automatic gift. After you set up your recurring gift, you will be prompted to complete the setup of your new account!
Step Two: Cancel scheduled gifts in Secure Give
All you will need to do is log into your current giving account in Secure Give below and edit your recurring gift. You will simply stop that gift.
If you need assistance with any of these steps, please email us at in**@we**************.tv. We will be more than glad to assist you. Thank you again for your desire to help us make Room to Grow!