Wellspring Church
To see those that are far from God become passionate followers of Jesus Christ.
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Has life left you thirsty for more than it offers? Is your glass half empty? We try to quench that thirst with things like sex and relationships. We try and fill our lives with food, drink, and entertainment. But it never seems to really satisfy this unquenchable thirst for more.
What if there was a tap that had everything you’d ever need? Unlimited love, peace, forgiveness, and power all flowing freely. And what if the entire tab was already covered?
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Social Media has allowed us to connect with and influence more people than ever before. It’s a place we can share highlights, pictures and advice with virtually the entire world. Â But there can be a downside to being connected and available to anyone, anywhere, at any time.
In this new series starting September 14th, Pastor Trey Kelly will highlight the advantages and pitfalls of social media. Â We’ll discover what causes our need for it, how we tend to abuse it and how, with God’s help, social media can become a healthy addition to our lives.
On September 13th, 2009, Wellspring held it’s first service in the Broadway Cinemas. This is the story, from start to finish of how Wellspring started and where we are headed.
We are a church that exists to see people far from God become passionate followers of Jesus Christ. That’s our purpose, In this new series of sermons, we explain how we make it happen.
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