Wellspring Church
To see those that are far from God become passionate followers of Jesus Christ.
April Colquett shares a message about what’s next. We know that we are in a fight against spiritual forces who want to eliminate us…but now that we recognize this…and now that we know how to combat these forces…what do we do next.
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You Need a Budget …not a series about giving
When you look at your bank account, do any of these scenarios stress you out or feel impossible?
Saving for your child’s college fund? Going grocery shopping 3 days before payday? Taking a dream vacation? Seeing the check engine light come on? An invitation from a friend or co-worker to go out to lunch? Christmas shopping?
If you answered yes to any or all of them, then You Need A Budget!
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What is truth? How do you define it? For most of us, truth can be an anchor that we orient our lives around but how do we know the anchor can be trusted?
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