Wellspring Church
To see those that are far from God become passionate followers of Jesus Christ.
Why trust in riches when you can trust in the one that richly provides?
In week two of “Treasure Hunt,” Pastor Trey Kelly talks about the dangers of putting our trust in money.
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Have you ever heard a familiar voice, but couldn’t quite place the face? The tone is recognizable, but out of context, it is hard to discern who is speaking. Hearing God’s voice is very similar. Whether you know it or not, you’ve heard God speak, but sometimes with life’s distraction and noise, we struggle to recognize it.
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Jesus is the sole source of our soul’s satisfaction. The feeling that there’s more to life…that something is missing…it’s Jesus that is missing. A relationship with him fulfills us and changes us forever. That’s what Easter is all about.
April Colquett shares a message about what’s next. We know that we are in a fight against spiritual forces who want to eliminate us…but now that we recognize this…and now that we know how to combat these forces…what do we do next.
Pastor Trey Kelly answers your questions about spiritual warfare to wrap up our series This Means War.
Have you ever felt like the deck is stacked against you? That no matter how hard you try, something always seems to hold you back? That victory is out of reach?
Does your life sometimes feel like a circus? Car pool lines feel like you’re driving a clown car. Navigating relationships can seem like your walking a tightrope without a net. And you’re always juggling something to do or somewhere to be…if that doesn’t sound like a circus, what does?
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